Thursday, March 15, 2007

Noelle Wenceslao, Karina Dayondon and Janet Belarmino, one would realize that the girls have a good chance of reaching their goal. These three Filipinas whose heights range from 4'11 to 5'4 and having Mt. Everest in mind, reaching the top of the world's highest peak would seem an impossible task.

Wenceslao, the shortest of the three, is a member of the University of the Philippines Dragonboat Rowing Team, an expert biker and an AXN adventure race winner.

Belarmino, the tallest, is a member of the formidable UP Mountaineers, a fitness instructor, a lawn tennis coach and frequent AXN race champion.

Dayondon, the youngest in the group, is an expert sport climber. She recently scaled Mt. Muztagh-Ata in China-Pakistan. The mountaint stands at 24,758 feet and is the highest peak to be scaled by a Filipina.

The girls will leave for the Everest expedition in April.

Before the expedition, the three went through grueling preparations -- from basic courses of mountaineering to scaling challenging mountains in Pakistan, Alaska and the Everest region.


p e r s said...

hello! love ur blog abt the 3 pinays! proud to be pinay! will be praying for 'em...thanks!